Welcome to

Love Mondays Club

Helping trainers, coaches and educators turn their chaotic businesses into well-oiled machines.

Discover the systems and processes that are going to transform your business.

Love Mondays Club is your “all-in-one” solution to discovering everything you need to grow and scale your services without feeling like you're spinning 100 plates at once.

From marketing to mindset, we have everything covered to help you overcome the overwhelm and create a thriving online business that runs smoothly for you and your clients every day.

You're in the right place if you're looking for help with: 

Work With Helen

Hi, I'm Helen

Lover of words, automations and a good cup of tea.

The goal here is to help you build a business that enables you to put your foot on the accelerator and go 100mph, whilst also being able to take time away and know that everything is running smoothly in the background. 

Balance is achievable with the right systems and processes in place. 

That’s why I’m passionate about helping you to: 

  • Use systems and processes that can take away the heavy lifting from your admin AND nurture potential clients even when you’re off living your life. 
  • Create offers in your business that remove the glass ceiling and provides you with recurring revenue. 
  • Unpick the mindset blockers that are secretly holding you back from taking that next step. 

When we work together, you receive award-winning training and a supporter who is here to cheer you on every day of the week. 

Want to know more about me?

I'm feeling nosey!

Free Resource to Get You Started

Get free access to a series of 10-minute tasks that are going to help you streamline your business, beat the overwhelm and feel more in control.

I need this!

Words From Our Community

Your favourite thing about Love Mondays Club so far? 


So hard to say as there is so much!

The community and support from other members, as well as Helen’s patience

and innovation - it is honestly one of the best communities that I have joined

on my self-employed journey and has completely changed how I approach my businesses.

Let's Work Together on Your Next Big Project!

Love Mondays Club Membership

For busy businesses who want weekly support in the form of inspiration, templates, on-demand training, live accountability, and a wonderful community to lift you up every day.

Join the Waitlist

Accelerate Mastermind

For ambitious women who are ready to scale quickly and want the coaching and ‘done with you’ support that is going to fast track your success.

Apply to Join

Words From Our Community

Your favourite thing about Love Mondays Club so far? 


It’s hard to pin-point one favourite thing about being a LMC member as It has helped me in so many ways.

Thanks to Helen’s guidance inside LMC, I’ve been able to explore new ways to expand and develop my business that I hadn’t previously considered - and also keep me focused and accountable!

From setting up email marketing, learning about lead magnets to now offering online courses and looking at scalable services, LMC has empowered me to dream big and take action.

Listen in on the

Love Mondays Club Podcast


Download the Free Email Marketing Guide 


The Complete Email Marketing Checklist to help you create a consistent and reliable approach to your marketing. 

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Let's get social:

Connect with me on

Hi, I'm Helen

An award-winning marketing mentor and strategist who works with educators, coaches and trainers who want to grow and scale their online businesses.

Love Mondays Club was created to show you how to create a business that runs on automations and effective marketing systems.

You'll discover simpler ways to develop your online services and sell out your group programmes, memberships and online courses. 

It's time for you to get in front of your ideal clients so that you can make more sales through marketing with confidence, clarity and consistency. 

I can't wait to start working with you soon. 

About Helen