Start taking fast action in your businessĀ 

so that you canĀ launch and scale your new service to create highly profitable months using automated systems and clear marketing strategy.

Accelerate is the game-changing programme and community that will help you to grow and scale your online business. 


You deserve to have a business that gives you more time freedom and and happiness. 

Helen has the tools and resources to help you take your online business and transform it into a high-earning and rewarding career. 

Join your fellow entrepreneurs for group coaching, 1:1 support, practical training, accountability check ins & a private community. 

Apply to Join

Accelerate is a 10-month programme of 1:1 support, group coaching, online training and a community of like-minded business owners supporting each other!

Are you ready to stop:

  • Delaying the growth of your online business. 
  • Wondering how you can create a business that gives you more time and freedom. 
  • Feeling like you don’t know how to use social media to promote your business. 
  • Worrying about how to attract new clients into your business. 
  • Allowing self doubt to hold you back from expanding your business. 
  • Floundering with technology and online software. 
  • Experiencing burnout and a lack of motivation.
  • Stressing with tasks that aren’t earning you money.

You need a clear strategy and the support of a coach who has successfully experienced the challenges of building an online service-based business.

So what are the key skills and areas of development you'll achieve from this programme?


Create and refine messaging that is powerful and helps you to consistently attract your perfect clients.

This will also include technical support around content creation, automated systems, FB ads management and email marketing.Ā 


Personalised, 1:1 coaching will allow you to develop the confidence and clarity you need to be successful.

We will focus on resilience, self-belief and designing a business that enables your lifestyle goals.


We want you to achieve a minimum of a 10x return on your investment in the LMC mastermind.

From day one we will be reviewing your sales strategy to ensure you are achieving above and beyond your income goals.

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a business that is easy to run?

You would wake up on day one and your business is already set up and thriving. 

You would have a simple list of services that your clients are queuing up to buy and you effortlessly create content that sells for you behind the scenes. 

Except it’s not quite that simple, is it? 

There are systems and processes behind the scenes that need to be created and tested.

There's a content strategy that needs to be implemented. 

There’s discovery calls and questions that need to be answered. 

Entrepreneurship isn’t always easy. 

But it’s an exciting ride that you’re brave enough to take. 

And you shouldn't be doing it alone. 

Imagine if you could see behind the scenes of my award-nominated business and learn from the mistakes that I’ve already made for you? 

I want to help you reach your goals at lightning speed. 

Here's what Kelly had to say about her Accelerate experience:

"My confidence in going live has improved and my general knowledge of how to run an online business is developing each week."

"Helen is very calm, kind and knowledgeable which is exactly what you want out of a business coach!"

"I would definitely recommend Helen and the Accelerate programme."


Here's how the Accelerate programme works:

It has been designed to be simple, effective and accessible at any stage of your business. 

A combination of independent learning, group coaching and community support allows you to stay consistent and accountable in your business. 

1:1 Monthly Coaching & Strategy Session

Uninterrupted and bespoke support for your business in monthly 90-minute 1:1 sessions where we will deep-dive into your business and support you with any area of the programme.Ā 

Daily SupportĀ 

Availability to contact Helen every day via Whatsapp with questions or requests for support. Helen will check in with you every Monday to help you focus on your goals for the week and stay accountable.Ā 

'Get it Done' Sessions

Join HelenĀ twice a month on Thursdays at 10am GMT forĀ accountability, training and 'done for you' support with like-minded entrepreneurs to inspire you with new ideas and help breakthrough the blocks you might be facing in your business.Ā 

Training Library

Instant access to seven core modules to support you across every area of your business. From marketing to mindset, take fast action in your business with the support of detailed video explanations and helpful resources to help you save time.Ā 

Love Mondays ClubĀ Community

Share your weekly wins, ask questions, and join a network of tutors who work together to build each others businesses. Connect and collaborate with other like-minded professionals all over the world.Ā 

Accountability Support

Stay on track with your goals and be more consistent in your business by taking part in monthly challenges that help you to bring in more income and grow into your business each month.Ā 

Join us in London

Your space on the programme also includes TWO in-person events in London.Ā 

These mastermind days are specifically designed to take you away from the day-to-day running of your business, and give you the space to design, curate and review your next steps.Ā 

You'll experience the transformative energy of being in a room with likeminded people who share your vision and goals.Ā 

The mastermind days will be held in November and May.Ā 

Here's what you can expect from the programme...

"Helen is supportive, understanding, knowledgeable, responsive and encouraging. I would highly recommend Helen and her programmes to anyone starting out in their tutoring business!

Helen’s support has been essential to me setting up my online tutoring business. The Mastermind course well and truly pushed me out of my comfort zone and has led me to achieving things I never thought I would. Specifically I have been guided, step by step, by Helen in setting up email marketing and landing pages. The community built around Accelerate, nurtured by Helen, is worth its weight in gold and this alone makes the fees I paid for the course worthwhile. Thank you Helen."

- Sarah Moore (Sarah's School of Science)

Helen and the Accelerate community are waiting for you to join us today!

Apply to Join

What about the bonuses?

12 Months Access to the Love Mondays Club MembershipĀ 

Worth Ā£1,164

Access all of the group calls as well as the library of on-demand training and resources.Ā 

This bonus is designed to provide you with further learning and support outside of the Accelerate programme and a chance to network with other businesses.Ā 

Virtual Annual Planning Event

Worth Ā£97

Join everyone inside of Love Mondays Club in January for a special 4-hour annual planning event.Ā 

During this session, we conduct a full audit of your business and use this information to help you strategically plan out your year ahead.Ā 

Hi, I'm Helen, your new coach! 

For many years, I ran my online education business and felt trapped in a 1:1 model that gave me no freedom. From setting up an initial agency, to creating online courses, , I have offered it all to my clients and learnt a lot along the way.

But it wasn't all plain sailing.  Starting off, I was a burnout entrepreneur who worked 6-7 days a week and quickly hit an income ceiling. I often felt quite alone in running my business and wished someone had been there to support me. 

I was scared and unsure of how to make impactful changes in my business, and knew it was my lack of marketing skills that was preventing my business from growing

Starting out, I had a very small audience and spent hours creating a course, but had no one to sell it to. After a week, I got scared that no one was buying and took the course off my website. I lost out on £2,000 and felt like I had failed. 

It was time to make some serious changes to my business marketing and my mindset. 

Fast forward to the start of 2023 and I now use automations and a clear marketing strategy to help me effectively run my two businesses. I get to spend my weekends relaxing and no longer worrying about work.

All because I mastered my marketing skills and found a formula that works! 

Kind words from past & current clients:

"I have been working with Helen in the accelerate programme for the last few months and it has been a fantastic experience. Helen has supported me from first launching my business into now running group classes and rapidly growing into other services. I have systems and automations in place in my business that I never even knew existed before being in the programme. Helen is always available for support in the group and on messages. She encourages me to be more visible online  and to market my group. I would recommend the programme to anyone who needs some support with marketing or any business support actually. It has saved me time and money and I know that my investment will be returned! If you’re thinking of investing just jump in and don’t think about it anymore!"

- Simone Machell (Children's Confidence Coach)

"My goodness where do I even start...
Working with Helen over the last few months has been really exciting! (I've had 1-1 calls, attended workshops and have now just joined her programme). 
She has shown me how I can take my tutoring business further and open it up in ways I didn't know was possible! Her experience and expertise has been invaluable and I am so grateful for everything she's been able to help me with.
I've started running group classes and workshops, my sales skills have massively improved and most importantly of all Helen has helped me to see my own value.

Anyone thinking of working with Helen, do not hesitate! It will be the best business decision you ever make šŸ…

- Lauren Coppell (Maths Tutor)

"I've learnt so much about marketing and creating efficient systems and have got a mailing list of over 130 and a FB group of over 200, I've done lead magnets, workshops, automations, built a website!

I enjoy the sense of community and support from the others in the group, we help and encourage each other - particularly the regular Friday attendees.

I love the informal nature of the Friday meetings too - we all get to share what we're up to, get advice, and I tend to continue to work in the background while listening and contributing to others.

I'm also really glad of the 1:1 support from you outside of the meetings around my marketing - this is invaluable to me"

- Elaine Mackechnie (Maths with Mrs Mack)

I want to show you how easy it is to have a steady stream of clients coming into your business!

The truth is, if you don’t have consistent clients appearing in your inbox, it will be impossible to grow your business. 

And when you're trading time for money, you quickly hit a glass ceiling. 

You went into entrepreneurship to be your own boss, to work on your own time and to follow your passion of helping others.

It's time to make the dream become a reality. 

No questions, I want in!

Apply to Join

What will your library of on-demand training include?Ā 


Attract your audience's attention and keep it!

Build an email list that provides a high return on investment.  

Stop wasting time on social media and create effective content that your audience wants to see. 

Save money on ads by creating a sales funnel that works for you in the background. 


Design branding that reflects your style and attracts your ideal clients. 

Discover how to find your voice in the noisy, online world. 

Understand your story and why it's important to share it with the world.  

Showcase your expertise and effortlessly attract new clients. 


Focus on your core offering and simplify your services.

Identify your ideal client to help you create a clear message in your marketing.  

Understand how to attract the customers you love to work with. 

Create your onboarding process from start to finish that wow's your client. 


Create a strong foundation for the future and ensure the sustainability of your business.

Set clear and achievable goals and stay accountable.  

Create time to work on your business and not in it. 

Ensure your business is helping you to achieve the lifestyle you desire. 


Build your own community of loyal fans who are always willing to buy from you. 

Show up consistently without spending all day on social media. 

Encourage positive engagement from your audience. 

Learn how to talk about your offers without being salesy. 


Identify your core values and how this shapes your business.

Put boundaries in place to protect yourself and the business. 

Develop a positive mindset around motivation and money. 

Discover your optimum working conditions. 

 Systems and Support

Understanding the different productivity resources available to your business. 

Creating automations and freeing up time in your business.

Knowing when to outsource the roles you no longer enjoy or are able to complete. 

Programme highlights:

  • Monthly 1:1 deep-dive calls where we set objectives and create actionable plans for the month ahead. 
  • Group coaching calls for training and an opportunity to ask questions so that you can make fast progress.
  • Access to an online course with actionable, bitesize tasks to complete at your own pace, 
  • Private community group to ask questions and practise new skills, and connect with like-minded people. 
  • Accountability check-ins a supportive network of cheerleaders to celebrate your business wins!
Apply to Join

More kind words:

"I’ve run my own business for nearly 5 years now and definitely felt that I was proficient in most respects, though knew deep down that there was always room for improvement. Since finding Helen, I’ve found confidence in my abilities, pushed myself to new limits and watched my business thrive.

Helen’s approach has complemented my business and mindset wonderfully. She’s taught me things I’d never considered beforehand, and I can honestly say I feel safe knowing that I have her support and guidance throughout my self-employed journey."

- Lucy Kennedy (Essex Grammar Hub)

"Having the opportunity to learn from Helen's experience would be invaluable to any teacher starting out on their solo journey. I wish I had known someone like Helen when I started out a few years ago. There are many costly, time-consuming and frustrating pitfalls. So, if you can cut out any of this, it's worth its weight in gold. I work with Helen as an expert teacher in a Facebook group and she is always efficient, knowledgeable and really approachable. I am sure she'd go the extra mile to help. Good luck to all future online tutors out there - it really is a great job to be in!"

- Anna Donovan (My Home Class)

"Helen and I have been working as group experts in English for several months and she is an extremely motivated, professional and knowledgeable person to work alongside. She has given me some great advice to implement into my own business that I wish I had known years ago! Anyone looking for coaching in tutoring or information on how to start should work with Helen!"

- Tom Harrop (TJ Tutors)